Church House Meetings
The Church House Meetings are the life beat and pulse of all that we do and represent as a family of faith in the Kingdom of God. We consider the fellowship of the saints and relationship between them to be paramount in the makeup of A New Testament Church. Jesus was very relational in His approach to His disciples (and later apostles) and focused on few core practices: Devotion, Fellowship, Teaching, Breaking of Bread, Prayer, and Ministry; these values later become foundational for His Apostles to follow and practice when they were establishing the churches throughout the New Testament which is clearly shown in Acts 2:42 - "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
Unfortunately, the element of fellowship in the modern mainstream church is either non-existent many times or reduced to a Sunday Service experience or programs-based experiences. As a result believers don’t meet throughout week or they aren’t connected in the life of the church family, or with other believers at a spiritual level, lacking real opportunities for transformation and real change in their lives which causes spiritual starvation, unfulfillment , and loss of direction & purpose.
There is a real hunger and passion in the Body of Christ for believers to experience the real genuine authentic relationships and fellowship in Christ with others, in where they Can Experience the fullness of Christ, being able to give & receive , being invested into each other’s life, caring for the needs and issues of those that they consider "brothers" and "sisters" in Christ. While society is continuing in its moral decline, values and meaningful relationships, everything seems to become shallow, superficial, unauthentic. The church unfortunately has adopted many of the society's unbiblical values & standards. The church at this time is left with the stark true: Become as the World or Change the World, these are the only 2 things that can happen to a church. When someone joins a family of faith most of the times, they are invited to a Church Service (usually Sunday Service) rather connecting the people to the actual family of faith which is made of every single believer. Every believer in Christ has a Role and part to play in Building the Kingdom of God.
As demonstrated throughout the book of Act sand all throughout New Testament, Gods Design was for Families, and Meetings to experience, Revival, Sign & Wonders, Supernatural Acts of Grace: a lot of these were done in the context of Church House Meetings.
When you're joining any of our House Church Meetings yore joining a family that's interested in you as person, as a believer, and as a valuable and precious saint in Christ that's destined and purposed in the Kingdom of God, we value your Call in Him which of most significance in this Life here on Earth. If you want to connect with any of the Church House Meetings, we would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Simply get in touch with any member of the Apostolic Team to find out more details & times.